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The Sibling Group was founded by our CEO Grace. Grace who was born in Harrogate, North Yorkshire had two siblings an elder sister and younger brother Oscar. Oscar was diagnosed with severe learning disabilities and Autism at the age of 3. At this time like many others, Grace's family were unsure what this meant for their future. Grace and her elder sister struggled with the many challenges of having a sibling with SEN and felt isolated and misunderstood by the world around them. They felt lucky to have each other to talk to but wished they could have known others in similar positions as them, as they didn't want to burden their parents with their concerns and feelings surrounding their brother’s needs. Grace and her sister feel that siblings of SEN children are often overlooked or discredited as they are not the ones with the needs so therefore are expected to be fine. Often children take on the worries or concerns surrounding the welfare of their SEN sibling which can lead to their own mental health issues. 


Grace went on to gain a first degree in Special Education and a distinction in her PGCE & qualified teaching status and worked as a SEN teacher in London. She is currently studying her masters in Autism and Inclusion. Whilst writing her dissertation she based it on the affect a child with special needs has on their sibling, to which she found herself interviewing her sister and revisiting their shared experience growing up with a sibling with special needs and the emotional effects this had on them. Reminding her of their lack of support.


These events inspired the creation of The Sibling Group Charity. 

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